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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Welcome toSherford Vale School & Nursery

Welcome to Sherford Vale School and Nursery.  We are currently a one form entry school, with its own nursery, in the heart of the new town of Sherford, educating children from 2 to 11 years old. Sherford Vale School was opened in September 2018 and is growing rapidly, eventually to become a two form entry school with 420 pupils on roll. 

Our aim is to provide an outstanding education from the very first day by providing an inspiring, broad and rich curriculum that makes excellent use of the outdoor woodland and wildlife habitats in the local area. Children will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge through a range of opportunities that respond to their needs and interests; developing friendship, Oracy, sport, the academics and of course laughter!

We want our children to feel safe, secure and valued, where the success and happiness of every child enables them to become curious, inspired and knowledgeable learners.

We are proud to be a member of the Westcountry Schools Trust and the opportunities that the Trust, and collaboration between the schools, offer and support in our own school development and sharing of best practice.

For further information about our partnership with the Westcountry Schools Trust and to visit the Trust's website please click here. 

Please continue to explore our website and learn more about our setting - we hope that you will find it both useful and informative. You can also follow us on X (Twitter) and Facebook. Should you wish to visit the school or contact the school directly, please do so via our School Office. (Office opening hours 8.30am until 4.00pm);

Sherford Vale School & Nursery

Hercules Road





Tel: 01752 891795



School day: 8.45am - 3.15pm (32.5 hours per week)

Children may start coming on site at 8.35am. 

Thank you for visiting.

Mrs Susie Evans


Please note: we welcome children from Sherford and beyond (Devon and Plymouth) - please see below how to apply for a place at Sherford Vale School & Nursery through the following links, or through the admissions' section in About Us

If you live in the Devon Local Authority catchment click DEVON

If you live in the Plymouth catchment click PLYMOUTH

(Please note that which Local authority you apply through is based on where your Council Tax is paid. If applying through Plymouth you will not find Sherford in the drop down list and will need to nominate this in your preferences).


Sherford Vale School is a proud partner of Westcountry Schools Trust

Stronger together...every child in a great school.

For further information on WeST you can click on the link below to be taken to the website, including, Annual Report & Accounts.    


WeST Life Changing Learning


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Sherford Vale School

Hercules Road, Sherford, Plymouth PL9 8FA

01752 891795