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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Colour Fun - Colour Run!

The PTA chose a different way to have fun and raise money at the same time - A COLOUR RUN.

We were so lucky with the weather - it stayed dry except for the water balloons and water guns! It was an alternative to a larger summer fayre - there was a hog roast, drinks tent, cake stall and lots of smaller games, some of which were set up and run as part of Year 6's enterprise initiatives. 

Of course the main event was the highlight - each year group ran an obstacle course, not only avoiding the obstacles but also water and special powdered colour, that parents and staff aimed as the children ran around. Children deliberately wore white - you can see the after effects in the attached image. 

It was a brilliant day, brilliantly organised by our PTA and staff, and BrIlLiAnT FuN!

Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved.