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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Family Support Advisor

Hello my name is Liz Veale, and I am the Family Support Advisor at Sherford Vale School & Nursery.

I work directly with children, parents and families in a non-judgemental way empowering them and their families to get the most out of the educational opportunities and support services available.

As the Family Support Advisor I am available to work with all children and families across the school providing preventative and early intervention activities through support, guidance and nurture sessions.I am here to support parents and the family of children with early signs of social, emotional, health or behavioural issues, and work with them, school staff and other support agencies, from Plymouth and Devon, to prevent any issues inhibiting with a child’s ability to engage with school, their learning and emotional well-being.

As part of my role it is my responsibility to ensure the safeguarding of all children in school, therefore I work closely with Education Welfare and our school’s attendance administrator and Safeguarding Officers to maintain full and regular attendance of all children. Please be aware that all information shared is bound by confidentiality.

I understand the challenges and responsibilities of parents raising children and I would like to encourage and promote good relations and effective communication between parents and school, therefore I am here to support all families to ensure continual engagement with school and a child's learning.

If you have a concern you wish to discuss, appointments can be made by contacting the school office, in person or by telephone:

Mobile: 07842 000168

Landline: 01752 891795 


You may also catch me on the gate in the mornings. I work Monday through to Friday, although times can vary pending need. 

I look forward to working with you. 


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