First Aid and Medication
Should children need first aid to be administered, staff act in ‘loco parentis’ (as caring parents) and follow school procedures. If there is concern about an injury the child is referred to our qualified First Aiders.
All first aid applied is recorded. Parents/Carers are informed and provided with carbon copy of the first aid log.
We aim to treat children who become ill or who have health problems with dignity, care and sympathy. If your child is taken ill at school we will try to contact you and arrange for them to be taken home. It is therefore essential that we have two contact telephone numbers for parents/carers during the school day. Hopefully, these will never be needed for your child.
In the case of emergencies or more serious injury, we shall try to contact you, no time will be wasted before calling an ambulance or a doctor and it may well be that we can only contact you afterwards.
We are only able to administer medication that is prescribed by a doctor or that is in the original container/packaging.
Parents must ensure that medicines, particularly inhalers and eczema creams held in school have not passed their expiry date.
Requests for the administration of medication need to be made to the School Office and a parental consent form/asthma card completed.
All medication must be clearly labelled, in its original container/package with the owner’s name, dosage and details of when/ how often it should be administered. All medication will be kept in the school office, first aid room or designated fridge, as required.
Parents must hand the medication into the school office, this must not be given to the child to hand in. It is at the discretion of the school to administer medication.
All children with long-term health problems which require intervention by school staff will have a care plan completed by their parent/carer and potential medical professional.
Here are some useful links;