Our Nursery is open to children from 2 years of age. We believe it is the ideal preparation for those children who will continue on through their primary education at Sherford Vale.
Our Nursery is an integral part of Sherford Vale. The children have the opportunity to mix and learn with the whole school. Children can start in the nursery from the age of two years old.
The nursery is overseen by a specialist early years' practitioner who is part of the wider staff team and the curriculum we offer is designed to meet the needs of all children up to the age of five; in keeping with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Our Nursery Team:
Clare Menyena Rebecca Garden Vicky Davis Samantha Wright
Natalie Bishop
Fees & Funding
Fees are paid a month in advance, and you will receive your invoice within the first 7 days of starting- these fees are payable through using the school parentpay. . Our fee structure will be as follows:
2 year olds
3+ year olds
Hourly - £6.50
Hourly – £5.50
Morning (8.45-11.45)
Lunchtime (11.45-12.15)
Afternoon (12.15-3.15)
Full Day (8.45-3.15)
Free places available for 2,3 and 4-year-old for 15/30 hours per week. For further information on 2-year-old funding in Devon, and to check if you are eligible please follow the link below:
Funded care and education for 2-year-olds – Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)
For further information on 2-year-old funding in Plymouth, and to check if you are eligible please follow the link below:
Free childcare places for eligible two year olds | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK
When will my child be eligible for funding?
Please see the table below:
Child born between
Entitled to funding from
1st April and 31st August
Start of Autumn funding period (from 1st September
1st September and 31st December
Start of spring finding period (from 1st January)
1st January and 31st March
Start of Summer funding period (from 1st April)
30 Hours funding:
30 hours’ free childcare is available to eligible working families of 3 and 4 year olds in England. This is an additional 15 hours on top of the 15 hours available to all parents of three and four year olds. Just like the 15 hours’ entitlement, you do not have to offer 30 hours’ free childcare. For more information and to check your eligibility please follow the link:
How to apply for 30 hours free childcare | Childcare choices
Intimate Care
If your child is using nappies when he/she starts nursery, please discuss this with the nursery staff.
Parents are asked to supply nappies and wet wipes on a daily basis. A record is kept when the child is changed during the Nursery session. Once it is appropriate to begin toilet training please discuss this with Nursery staff.
To enquire about Nursery availability or for any further information please contact the School office on 01752 891795 or email nursery@sherfordvaleschool.co.uk. Nursery enquiries will be responded to as soon as possible and may be up to 3 working days.