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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership is effective

We are proud of our working relationships with parents and carers.

Our vision is for parents/carers and their families to continue to develop and enhance their involvement in the life of learning that their child experiences at our school. We want families to feel comfortable and happy to spend time in school working in partnership with our staff and to spend time at home with their child talking about learning.

We know that parental engagement is a continuous journey, and it is something we work tirelessly for. We want all of our staff to take responsibility for parental engagement and to recognise the importance of involving families in their child’s learning. We also want to continue to encourage our parents, carers and families to trust and use us, a resource to develop their own learning. 

Aims and objectives working with parents:

  • To further improve and develop opportunities for parents to engage in their child’s life at school; their learning, progress and development.

  • To provide useful, supportive and relevant information to parents

  • To ensure parents have a voice that is heard, reflected on and, wherever possible, acted on.

  • To continue to evaluate our practice of engaging parents.

    How do we engage with parents?

  • Class Dojo & Whole School Dojo News                                                     
  • Social Media updates                                                                                             
  • Encouraging parents volunteering in school
  • Regular Tapestry communication for nursery children including parent contributions.
  • Text messaging service-Teacher2parents
  • PTA
  • Curriculum workshops
  • Coffee Mornings

Please click on the links below to access some great resources which will help you to support your child with their learning.