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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

School Uniform

We believe in a smart school uniform that supports respect, belonging and children's readiness to learn. Please help us to enforce the uniform policy by ensuring your child is wearing the correct uniform. In cases of hardship, we may be able to help; please speak to our school office staff. 

All items can be purchased from:

The Schoolwear Shop, Mayflower Street, Plymouth

Tel: 01752 252025




Appropriate school uniform is expected to be worn at all times, unless directed otherwise.

Essentials are: Jumper or cardigan with logo and navy PE top with logo.

All other items may be purchased to acquire the best value but must meet colour/style requirements.  

We also have a good-quality, second-hand uniform shop, run by our PTA. Enquiries should be made to the PTA.

Please ensure ALL items are clearly named.


School issue required - navy v-necked long sleeve with green stripe  and school logo


School issue required – navy long sleeve with green stripe and school logo




Grey, with or without pleats

Summer Dress Light blue gingham dress


White, grey or navy 

School Tie

Required for KS2 children only (Yrs 3,4,5,6)

Shirt/Polo Shirts 

KS2 White Shirts. 

KS1 White polo shirt - school issue available.


All pupils must possess a suitable coat for cold and/or wet weather.


School issue – navy short sleeve t-shirt with school logo

Plain black shorts - required 

Trainers for outside PE and running. (Please do not buy trainers that come up around the ankles.)

For indoor PE, children will be bare-footed.

(When wearing PE kit to school, plain black or dark blue jogging bottoms may be worn, over PE shorts, along with the usual, required, school uniform jumper or cardigan, not a separate sports hoodie/top.) 


School book bag – navy with school logo - optional.

In Yrs 3, 4, 5 and 6 children may use a rucksack.

Shoes Sensible school shoes, black or navy with dark sole; these may be trainer-type but should be compliant with colour. No sandals or open toe shoes please.
Hair, Jewellery, Make up

Long hair should be tied back, at all times, please.

No extremes of hairstyles.

Children should not wear make-up, nail varnish or jewellery. Children may wear a watch (not smartwatch) and stud earrings only. (Children will need to remove or tape earrings for PE. Please provide your child with tape.)

Second-Hand Throughout the school year, our PTA sell donated second-hand uniform. 


Nursery children are able to wear a green jumper/t-shirt, but this is optional.